Star Trek Online Wiki
Universal Kit Module - Transport Inhibitor Field icon
Epic icon
Universal Kit Module - Transport Inhibitor Field Mk XII
Epic Kit Module
Account Bind On Equip
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Transport Inhibitor Field
Disables Summons, +ResAll to allies in range
for 18 sec:
To allies in radius:
* Immunity to Teleport
+15 All Damage Resistance Rating
To foes in radius:
* Cannot transport in allies or fabrications
45 sec recharge
Value: 29,260 Energy credit icon

Universal Kit Module - Transport Inhibitor Field is a Kit Module which can be slotted into the module slot, unrestricted by character's career. It can be acquired from the Son'a Lock Box and [Infinity Prize Pack: Kit Module].

Game Description[ | ]

Special Ability: Transport Inhibitor Field icon (Federation) Transport Inhibitor Field

The Transport Inhibitor Field is a vastly shrunk down version of the Transport Inhibitor devices used in the past to block transporters from working, preventing your enemies from beaming you away or from beaming in more of their allies to fight you. To allow it to be shrunk down so massively, sacrifices had to be made - in this case, the sacrifice was uptime. However, it remains a highly effective combat tool.
