Star Trek Online Wiki

This template is used to call the modifiers for a specific weapon type



This example will display the modifiers that affect standard weapon types such as phaser, disruptor, etc etc.

The parameters you can enter are:

  • Standard - Weapons with the standard proc types (Phaser, Disruptor) released at the beginning of the game
  • NoCraft - Same as Standard, but omits the crafted modifier
  • NoCraftDsc - Same as NoCraft, but with specifics Discovery weapons
  • RepHybrid - Reputation weapons with more then one proc type, at the cost of a mod
  • RepSpecial - Reputation weapons that are always Rare or higher quality
  • RepSpecialVR - Reputation weapons that are always Very Rare or higher quality
  • LBHybrid - Lock Box weapons with more then one proc type, at the cost of a mod
  • LBSpecial - Lock Box weapons that are always Rare or higher quality
  • LBSpecialVR - Lock Box and Reputation weapons that are always Very Rare or higher quality
  • Borg - Standard weapons also available with the [Borg] mod
  • Sonic - Standard weapons also available with the [Sonic] mod
  • ElitePhaser - Elite Fleet Phasers
  • EliteDisruptor - Elite Fleet Disruptors
  • EliteFleetColony - Elite Fleet Colony Weapons

Uncommon Gw modifiers/docs have one modifier suffix, Rare will have two, Very Rare will have three, and Ultra Rare will have four. Epic adds a fifth unique modifier.

Standard Modifiers: Can appear multiple times (e.g. [Dmg]x2, [CrtH]x3, [CrtD]x4, etc)

  • CrtD: +20 Critical Severity
  • CrtH: +2% Critical Chance
  • Dmg: +X Damage
Can appear only once (e.g. [DoT1], [KB2], etc.)
  • DoT1: 2.5% chance: X Physical Damage per sec for 15 sec
  • DoT2: 2.5% chance: X Radiation Damage per sec for 15 sec
  • DoT3: 2.5% chance: X Radiation Damage per sec for 15 sec in a 10m radius
  • KB1: 2.5% chance: Knocks back +5 meters
  • KB2: 5% chance: Knocks back +10 meters
  • KB3: 5% chance: Knocks the target back +10 meters, 2.5% chance: Knocks back all foes +5 meters in a 8 meter radius

Special Crafted Modifier: This modifier can appear once on crafted Gw modifiers/docs of Rare quality and higher:

  • Run: Increases run speed by 15%

Epic Modifier: All ground weapons upgraded to Epic quality receive:

  • Dm/CrH: +X Damage, +X% Critical Chance