Star Trek Online Wiki

The Tal Shiar was the intelligence gathering agency of the Romulan Star Empire during its height, and in the years since the destruction of Romulus in 2387 has evolved to become very nearly its primary military force.

Although a certain rivalry sometimes exists between the self-proclaimed Empress Sela and the Tal Shiar, the agency basically serves as her means of projecting power internally and externally. As such, the Tal Shiar is notoriously ruthless and secretive, stopping at nothing to defend the Empire's interests.

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Romulan Star Empire (25th century)
Faction Romulan Star Empire
Details Romulan Star Empire (25th century)Romulan • Reman • HirogenRator III • Gasko StationTal ShiarRomulan History
Ground Forces Romulan Analyst • Technician • Recruit (Romulan) • Uhlan • Sublieutenant Medic • Centurion • Centurion Engineer • Centurion Medic • Centurion Scientist • Subcommander • Subcommander Engineer • Subcommander Scientist • Commander • Romulan Captain
Starships Romulan Shuttle • Scorpion Fighter • T'varo Light Warbird • Mogai Heavy Warbird • D'deridex Battlecruiser • Scimitar Dreadnought
NPCs Arranhu • Charva • Hakeev • Janek • Khaiel N'Vek • Khiana • Ruul • Sela • Taris • Tarsen
NPC starships I.R.W. Aethra • I.R.W. Areinnye • I.R.W. Esemar • I.R.W. Falcata • I.R.W. Khnial • I.R.W. Leahval • I.R.W. Rea • Sela's Armed Freighter • I.R.W. Sithesh