Star Trek Online Wiki

Donatu System[ | ]

Power Struggle[ | ]

Enter the Donatu System to find a battle already in progress.


Tactical Officer:
Captain, I'm picking up multiple hostile contacts -- both Klingon and True Way.

I can understand the Klingons being here. They've been trying to claim this system for months. But why the True Way normally don't leave Cardassian space. They have no reason to be here.

They're refusing to respond to our hails, sir. We may have to board one of their ships to get some answers.

Defeat enemy forces.


Tactical Officer:
Captain, I'm picking up multiple hostile contacts -- both Federation and the Cardassian splinter faction known as the True Way.

I can understand Starfleet being here -- they've been giving us trouble in this sector for years, but why would the True Way be here?

I recommend that we attempt to board one of their ships, sir. We could get some answers ... and destroy the hated Cardassians face-to-face!

Defeat enemy forces.

Defeat the Enemy Fleets[ | ]

Three groups of True Way ships are engaging three groups of ships from your enemy faction. Move in for a three-sided brawl and defeat all of them. You'll have some allies to assist you in the fight.

Disable the Axon[ | ]

The Axon is a Keldon-class vessel, and will be disabled rather than destroyed when defeated.

Approach the Axon[ | ]

Once the Axon is disabled and you have a moment out of combat, one of your Bridge Officers will inform you of its status.


Tactical Officer:
The Cardassian flagship, the Axon has been disabled, sir.

Her warp core is stable for now. Recommend we get a closer look.

Approach the Axon.


Tactical Officer:
The Cardassian flagship, the Axon, has been disabled.

Her warp core is stable, Captain. I recommend we get a closer look.

Approach the Axon.

Board the Axon[ | ]

Once all hostile foes have been defeated, you will be able to beam aboard the Axon to find out what the True Way are doing so far from Cardassian space.


Tactical Officer:
The away team is standing by, sir.

We can leave on your orders.

Beam to the Axon.


Tactical Officer:
An away team is standing by in Transporter Room One, Captain. We will enter battle on your command!
Beam down to the Axon.

Aboard the Axon[ | ]

Chasing Shadows[ | ]

Head to the Bridge[ | ]

Your away team beams into a heavily damaged cargo hold, with a force field sealing a hull breach in one corner.


Tactical Officer:
Captain, Cardassian security teams are already starting to move in on our position. We should expect heavy resistance.


Tactical Officer:
Captain, Cardassian security teams are already starting to move in on our position. They will be no match for us.

A Cardassian security team is waiting in ambush at the first intersection, in fact.

Defeat Cardassian Security Teams[ | ]

Down the cross corridor there is an engineering room containing two Cardassian security teams.

At the far end of the room, a force field blocks your progress. You can scan the forcefield.


Engineering Officer:
The Cardassians are raising force fields to keep us from moving through the ship.

If we can reroute power away from those systems, then they will be unable to block our passage.

Use consoles to reroute power and drop force fields.


Tactical Officer:
The Cardassians are raising force fields to keep us from moving through the ship.

Their pathetic attempts to stop us will be unsuccessful. If we can reroute power away from those systems, then they will be unable to block our passage.

Use consoles to reroute power and drop force fields.

Disable Forcefield[ | ]

A couple of the consoles in the room can be used to remove the force field.

Tactical Officer:

That should take care of all the security measures between us and the bridge. I don't expect the Cardassians to give up that easily, though. They will probably send more security teams to intercept us.

Continue to the Bridge[ | ]

At the next intersection there is another Cardassian ambush waiting. Beyond the ambush you will find the mess hall.

At the mess hall you will encounter a strange blue light, and... something attacking the Cardassians.

Tactical Officer:

Captain, did you see that?

The Cardassians, however, are more than happy to attack you as soon as you show your face.

Investigate Strange Occurrence in Mess Hall[ | ]

Once the Cardassians are defeated, you can investigate the strange, floating blue figure and what it was doing. There is a dead Cardassian lying near the exit from the room; perhaps a scan of it will yield more information.


Science Officer:
Captain, what were those things?

Sir, this Cardassian doesn't have any wounds on him. But my readings show that he was dead before we entered this room.

I recommend that we find a medkit and perform an examination of the corpse. We need to know more about what happened to him.

If he was attacked by those creatures, we need to be cautious. Any contact may be lethal.


Science Officer:
In the name of Kahless, what was that?

My eyes may be playing tricks on me, but I thought I saw some sort of creature ...

Captain, this Cardassian doesn't have any wounds on him. But my readings show that he was dead before we entered this room.

I recommend that we find a medkit and perform an examination of the corpse. We need to know more about what happened to him.

If he was attacked by those creatures, we need to be ready. They are a threat and must be destroyed!

Proceed onwards to the Medbay to gather the tools necessary for a more thorough investigation.

Gather Medical Tools from Medbay[ | ]

As you enter the Medbay, the lights flicker again, and you catch a glimpse of another floating blue figure standing above a fallen Cardassian and doing... something.

Tactical Officer:

There it was again! Is there something wrong with the environmentals on this ship?

Time to do some investigating. Might want to start by investigating the Cardassian the blue figure was floating over.

Science Officer:

Sir, this Cardassian looks to have died from the same cause as the Cardassian we examined in the mess hall. We need to find a medkit to know more about what happened to them.

There is a medkit next to the body, but without knowing where to start, it is probably a good idea to look around a little more first.

Read Patient Records[ | ]

Investigate the patient records. Perhaps something the Cardassian Chief Medical Officer recorded will serve as a clue.

Patient record: Patient 785234

Patient admitted with a plasma burn caused by an exploding EPS conduit. The wound was treated using a
and the patient was admitted to sickbay for sedation and observation.

Patient suffered a neurological event resembling a cerebrovascular accident while sedated and was unable to be resuscitated.

Further examination into the patient's death is pending an autopsy by the CMO.

Patient record: Patient 864531

Patient admitted with a fractured tibia suffered while in the holodeck. The bone was splinted and treated with a regenerator. Patient returned later complaining of pain in the treated leg as well as an elevated body temperature. Patient was the treated with a
T-cell stimulator
to stave off any possible infection. Patient's condition continued to worsen while they were being continually treated to boost their immune response.

Patient died 6.2 hours after injury.

Due to the extreme rate of deterioration in the patient an infection is unlikely. Fear of a contagious agent being responsible has resulted in quarantine protocols being enacted.

A cause of death has yet to be determined. Corpse will be placed in stasis field pending further examination by the CMO.

Patient record: Patient 904651

Patient admitted with a severe laceration suffered while working in engineering. The wound was closed using an
and the patient was released with instructions to refrain from active duty and to return for another examination in 24 hours.

Patient returned as instructed, complaining of headache, elevated body temperature and nausea. White cell count was elevated, and preliminary analysis showed signs of systemic infection resulting from contamination of wound site.

Patient was held in sickbay for treatment and observation, however, the infection spread rapidly and treatment with standard antibiotics was unsuccessful.

A more rigorous treatment regime was formulated, but also proved unsuccessful. Patient's vital functions ceased. Cause of death: circulatory system failure resulting from sepsis.

The patient's body has been prepared for transport back to Cardassia Prime.

Patient record: Patient 962456

Patient admitted complaining of pain and inability to concentrate on assigned duties. Patient was treated with hydrocortilene and told to rest. Psychological evaluation was scheduled.

Patient returned several hours later saying that neither the medication nor rest had helped. Patient was treated with a larger dose of hydrocortilene and admitted to sickbay for observation. During this period patient fell unconscious and was unable to be revived.

An autopsy was conducted using a
neuralyte probe
to obtain a sample of brain tissue. Examination of the neural tissue did not show any signs of infection or trauma that would result in headaches or fatality. Cause of death remains undetermined pending further investigation.

Patient record: Patient 874512

Patient admitted complaining of extreme nausea and fatigue. Preliminary exams inconclusive. Patient held for overnight observation during which condition worsened. Patient died at 2352 hours.

Quarantine protocols put in place on CMO's orders, and a level 8 force field is in use to prevent the spread of unknown, possibly infectious agent. Force field may not be disabled without command-level voice authorization.

An autopsy on the patient was conducted using a
laser scalpel
to open the chest cavity. All organs were intact and showed no signs of trauma or infection which would explain the patient's demise. Cause of death remains undetermined pending further investigation.

Conduct Autopsy on Dead Cardassian[ | ]


An autosuture is used to seal a traumatic or surgical wound to prevent infection, as well as to promote the healing of the wound by stimulating the patient's own natural healing processes.

Laser Scalpel:

A Laser Scalpel is a finely-tuned laser emitter used to make incisions during medical procedures. This device can be tuned for different wavelengths to achieve different cutting strengths and depths.

Neuralyte Probe:

A neuralyte probe is a device that makes use of stabilized biological enzymes to cleave tissue samples from the brain or nervous system. The use of natural enzymes significantly lowers the trauma experienced by the patient and minimizes the amount of time necessary to recover from the procedure.


A protoplaser is a device used to treat minor lacerations and burns by removing scar tissue and stimulating the patient's normal bioregenerative processes.

T-Cell Stimulator:

A T-Cell Stimulator is a device used to increase a patient's natural immune responses in order to stave off and/or treat infections caused by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Choose the Neuralite Probe.

Science Officer:

Captain, that tool should give us a better insight into the cause of death for the Cardassians in the Mess Hall. If we can use the Neuralyte Probe to obtain a sample of one of the Cardassians' brain tissue we may be able to determine a cause of death.

Using the Neuralyte Probe, investigate the Cardassian again.

Science Officer:

The neuralyte probe has determined that this individual died from a radical decrease in neural energy.

It's almost as if he was drained by an outside source. All of the brain's activity came to a complete stop as its energy was depleted.

Sir, there is a great deal of interference being picked up by the tricorder, most likely the result of an energy residue from whatever was used to do this to the Cardassian. Perhaps we can track it down by following the energy trail.

There is a science lab across the hall from the medbay. It should have access to the ship's internal sensors.

Use the internal sensors in the science lab to track the anomalous energy residue.

Search for Unusual Energy Signatures[ | ]

In the room opposite the Medbay, there are consoles that can be used to scan for unusual energy signatures.

Please Define Parameters for Scan Query


Electro-plasma is used by serveral known species as a means of transfering power from a central power source to outlying areas of a ship or outpost. Plasma serves as an efficient medium for maintaining a high state of energy even when moved over a great distance or allowed to sit unused for long periods of time. For this reason, energized electro-plasma can be stored in plasma canisters for transport and still arrive in a usable state.

Science Officer:

The scan is picking up high levels of electro-plasma throughout the ship, but that's not surprising considering that the Cardassians use poorly-shielded EPS relays. There are no anomalous readings from the scan.

Nuclear Fission Reaction:

Nuclear fission is a common source of energy for non-space faring races. It provides a large amount of power with relatively little special knowledge. It is an unsuitable power source for interstellar travel. While races such as humans have used this source of power in the past, it has been surpassed by more efficient means of energy production that will not result in toxic waste byproducts that can severly damage organic life.

Science Officer:

There are no signs of any nuclear fission reactions taking place at this time, Captain.

Omega Energy:

All information on Omega Energy is classified.

Science Officer:

There are no omega molecules anywhere inside the ship. Captain, what are omega molecules?

Polaric Ions:

Polaric ions have been used as a form of energy, however, they are highly volatile and prone to subspace chain reactions. These reactions have been known to create subspace fractures that make warp travel impossible, as well as creating hazardous amounts of polaric radiation.

Science Officer:

There are no polaric ions anywhere on this ship.

Triolic Waves:

Triolic waves are the result of a process called selective molecular polarization in which a substance is modified at a fundamental level to convert matter to energy. Triolic energy is not used by any known species because they are known to cause deterioration of living tissue.

Science Officer:

I'm picking up a large concentration of triolic waves centered around the ship's bridge, Captain.

Triolic waves are harmful to humanoids. We will not be able to be in the area for long, and the Cardassians would be subject to the deleterious effects as well. They would not knowingly use triolic energy.

I'd suggest we take a closer look. Whatever is causing the triolic waves probably is reponsible for the deaths of the Cardassians in the mess hall.

Investigate triolic wave energy on the bridge.

Investigate Energy Signatures on the Bridge[ | ]

Head toward the bridge. As you approach the corridor, the lights flicker again, and one of the floating blue figures floats past in front of you.

Tactical Officer:

Captain! It's headed for the bridge!

Head to the turbolift at the end of the corridor and take it to the bridge to confront the menace.

Defeat Devidians[ | ]

As you emerge from the turbolift, the lights flicker blue, and this time stay that way.

There are numerous of the floating blue aliens on the bridge, all apparently absorbing energy from the Cardassians there.

Defeat Phantasm[ | ]

Once all the Devidians are defeated, the Phantasm appears to face you.

Access Bridge Console[ | ]

Now that you've gotten a good look at the mysterious aliens, they can be identified.

Science Officer:

There's no mistaking them now, Captain. Those were Devidians.

What's curious, though, is that Devidians are out-of-phase with us. Normally we can't see them without a subspace force field tuned with an extremely sensitive phase discriminator. We didn't have that. So how are they appearing in our reality?

I recommend checking the Axon crew's log entires. Maybe they were doing something that made it easier for the Devidians to exist here.

Examine Cardassian log entries.

The consoles to the left of the captain's chair will allow you to access the ship's files, including the logs.

Captain's Log:

Our mission goes well. The Axon has disabled or destroyed seven enemy ships. I look forward to reporting our successes to our leaders.

The Chief Medical Officer is concerned about casualties. It is his job to be concerned. Mine is to operate this ship at peak efficiency. I have read his report about unexplained deaths and dismissed it. There is always an explanation. He simply hasn't looked hard enough.

I cannot let his failings disrupt our mission. Gul Madred's abduction by Starfleet has left a void in our organization. New leaders with the will to use whatever means are necessary to free our people from Federation tyranny are needed.

If all goes well, after this campaign I will be seen as one of those leaders.

Chief Engineer's Log:

Repairs to the Axon go as expected. Running low on deuterium and warp coils. Wish there was more time between battles to do more than patch critical systems, but time is the most precious commodity there is.

Four crewmen down -- one died in battle with Klingon forces, but three others died in accidents. I have spoken to the captain about launching an investigation, but he sees nothing but his dreams of glory and a return to conquest.

Unusual spike in triolic wave energy may be affecting warp core efficiency. Must speak to Driolic and see if his sensor readings have turned up anything unusual.

Letter from Majah arrived today. She and the children are well, but she worries about me. She wants me to leave the True Way and return to Cardassia Prime.

Six months ago, I would have ignored her pleas. Now, though ... I miss her, and I see no end to this fighting.

Perhaps she is right.

Science Officer's Log:

Science Officer's Log, Stardate 86790.08

My duties on a combat mission are limited, but I was pleased today to have a chance to scan the approaching Driffen's Comet.

The comet itself has not been a focus of much scientific inquiry, and it last passed through this sector in the late 23rd century. My scans, however, reveal surprising amounts of triolic wave energy emitting from the comet, as well as detectible amount of chroniton particles.

The triolic waves will unfortunately prevent a closer study of the comet. They are quite harmful to humanoid lifeforms, and the captain is loathe to jeopardize our mission for my ... curiosity. I have requested the launch of a Class I probe.

The chronitons are of even greater interest. They appear in instances of temporal disturbances, which could mean that this comet has been ... or will be ... in the presence of a temporal event. Time mechanics are so cumbersome.

I must have more data, but the captain has never had much interest in science. Perhaps I will remind him that chroniton particles are harmful against the aliens who live in the Bajoran wormhole. A potential weapon to use against the Bajorans' "gods" may be of enough interest to him to divert our course.

Return to Ship[ | ]

Having gathered all the information you can, it's time to return to your vessel.


Science Officer:
Captain, we should return to the <Shipname>.

I'm sure Starfleet Command would want to know that there are Devidians in the Neutral Zone.

These battlegrounds are now their feeding grounds.

Return to your ship.


Science Officer:
Captain, we should return to the <Shipname>.

I'm sure Qo'noS Command would want to know that there are Devidians in the Neutral Zone.

The battlegrounds of our war with the Federation are now feeding grounds for these creatures.

Return to your ship.

Donatu Sector[ | ]

Report to Neutral Zone Contact[ | ]

Return to the Neutral Zone and report your findings to your contact.


Franklin Drake:
Are you sure that you found no sign of the Cardassians attempting to open a portal or otherwise bring the Devidians into our phase variance? This is troublesome. There are pieces to the puzzle I don't have yet. Let me do some digging and I will be in touch.


Are you sure that you found no sign of the Cardassians attempting to open a portal or otherwise bring the Devidians into our phase variance?

This is troublesome. There's pieces to the puzzle I don't have yet. I will reach out to my people and see if any of them have more information.

Rejoin the fight against the Federation, and I will contact you as soon as I know more.

Post-Completion[ | ]

After completing Skirmish, you will be able to ask a question of your mission contact regarding the events of the mission.


  • What do you know about what the True Way is doing in the Neutral Zone?
Franklin Drake:
About as much as you do, actually.

Events in Cardassian space have resulted in a power vacuum of sorts among the True Way. Instead of being directed by a small group at the top, you now have a dozen or so Guls each trying to be the next "savior" of the Cardassian people.

Some of them got it into their heads that stirring up trouble between us and the Klingons in the neutral zone would drain Federation resources away from the space between Bajor and Cardassia Prime, giving the True Way an opportunity to step up their campaign of terror.

It was rather shortsighted of them. Starfleet has already compensated to ensure that our interests in that region of space are well-protected.

I'm disappointed. I've always been such a great admirer of the ruthless efficiency that the Cardassians have shown in the past.

If I were you, though, I wouldn't lose any sleep over the True Way. The Devidians are a much greater concern.


  • What do you know about the True Way's plans?
About as much as you do, actually.

Events in Cardassian space have resulted in a power vacuum of sorts among the True Way. Instead of being directed by a small group of organized individuals, you now have a dozen or so Guls each determined to be the next "savior" of the Cardassian people.

Some of them got it into their heads that stirring up trouble between us and Starfleet in the neutral zone would drain Federation resources away from the space between Bajor and Cardassia Prime, giving the True Way an opportunity to step up their campaign of terror.

Their plan was short-sighted.

If the True Way had anything resembling honor, then they would have come to us and sought an alliance against the Federation. We might have agreed ... for a time.

In their own way, the Cardassians are just as devious as the Romulans. Those in the True Way may try to hide their deceptions behind the trappings of totalitarianism, but we know their hearts. They cannot be trusted.

Ultimately, the Cardassians are unimportant. The Devidians are a much greater concern.
