Star Trek Online Wiki

Overview[ | ]

Tactical Mode (Dyson Science Destroyer) icon (Federation)
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Tactical Mode (Dyson Science Destroyer) icon (Klingon)
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Tactical Mode (Dyson Science Destroyer) icon (Romulan)
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Tactical Mode (Dyson Science Destroyer) icon (TOS Federation)
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No icon (Dominion)
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The Tactical Mode transforms your Dyson Science Destroyer from the classic Science Vessel into a fierce Tactical Destroyer, unlocking a Commander Tactical Bridge Officer Slot and its Experimental Proton Dual Heavy Cannons.

Basic Information[ | ]

  • Profession: Any
  • Locale: Space
  • Game Description: The default state of the Dyson Science Destroyer is that of a science vessel. However, this starship can enter a "Tactical Mode" by diverting Auxiliary power to Weapons. Many science vessel specific systems will be disabled to enable more offensive systems.
    Activating Tactical Mode will increase Weapon Power by 15, but decrease Auxiliary Power by 15. It will enable the use of the Dyson Science Destroyer's build in Dual Heavy Proton Cannons, but it will disable its Secondary Deflector, Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting. The starship's turn rate, flight sped and inertial will all be increased moderately. Additionally, the default Lieutenant Commander Tactical Bridge Officer seat will be upgraded to a Commander Tactical Bridge Officer seat, while the Commander Science Bridge Officer seat will be downgraded to Lieutenant Commander Science Bridge Officer seat.

Detailed Information[ | ]

  • Used by:
  • Target: Self
  • Ability Type: +Weapon Power, +Turn, +Flight Speed and Inertia; -Science Abilities, -Aux Power
  • Activation: 1 sec
  • Recharge Time: 1 min

Ability Ranks[ | ]

Ability/User Rank CD Ability Effects
N/A 1m
  • Enables Tactical Mode:
- Upgrades Lt. Commander Tactical Bridge Officer to Commander Tactical Bridge Officer
+15 Weapon Power Setting
- Enables Dual Heavy Proton Cannons
+10% Impulse Speed
+2 Turn Rate
+20 Inertia
  • Disables Science Mode:
-15 Auxiliary Power Setting
- Disables Subsystem Targeting
- Disables Sensor Analysis
- Downgrades Commander Science Bridge Officer to Lt. Commander Science Bridge Officer

v · d · e
Carrier, Dreadnought Carrier commands
Cruiser Cruiser commands
Raider, Scout Ship Raider Flanking
Science-based starship Sensor AnalysisSubsystem Targeting
Romulan Warbird Singularity Core abilities
Jem'Hadar Vanguard ship Vanguard Wingmen
Intel starship Gather IntelligenceWarp Signature Masking
Command starship Inspiration
Pilot starship Pilot Maneuvers
Temporal starship Molecular Reconstruction
Miracle Worker starship Innovation Effects
Specific starships Cloaking: CloakCloak of T'KuvmaBattle CloakEnhanced Battle CloakDark Mode
Romulan CloakRomulan Battle CloakRomulan Enhanced Battle CloakScimitar Battle Cloak
Agony Phaser Spinal LancePhaser Spinal LanceJavelinPlasma Spinal LanceChroniton LanceGravitic Lance
Plasma DisintegratorJuggernaut ArrayViridian Juggernaut ArrayWorld Razer Juggernaut Array
Improved Hull RegenerationLong Range Sensor MaskingEnergy DistributorAutomated Defense Screens
Tactical ModeSiege ModeLaunch Support CraftTranswarpDeploy Consumption ArrayDeploy SwarmMorph Reversal

See also: Starship Separation