Star Trek Online Wiki
Trait: Predictive Algorithms

Predictive Algorithms is a player character space Starship trait.

This trait is only available for player characters.

Basic information[]

  • Game description:

    Activating any Weapon Enhancement Ability removes 1 Debuff effect and grants:

    • Predictive Algorithms: +2.5 Accuracy Rating for 30 sec from weapon enhancing abilities (stacks up to 4 times)
    • Improved Predictive Algorithms: +5 Accuracy Rating for 30 sec from weapon enhancing abilities (stacks up to 4 times)
    • Superior Predictive Algorithms: +7.5 Accuracy Rating for 30 sec from weapon enhancing abilities (stacks up to 4 times)

Detailed information[ | ]

Anticipating the actions and movements of your foes has become second nature. Activating any Weapon Enhancement ability gives your crew a burst of focus, removing one negative effect from your vessel and improving your ability to hit enemies with your weapons for a short duration.

  • Activating any Weapon Enhancement Ability removes 1 Debuff effect and grants +2.5/5/7.5 Accuracy Rating for 30 sec (stacks up to 4 times)

Weapon Enhancement Abilities include the following Bridge Officer abilities:

It does not include any non-bridge officer (eg. universal console) abilities, nor does it proc on bridge officer abilities that affect all forms of weaponry, such as Attack Pattern Beta, Kemocite-Laced Weaponry or Suppression Barrage. It also does not proc on abilities that generally boost damage such as other Attack Patterns, nor on abilities that cause weapons to apply a debuff to a target or otherwise require a target to activate its effects. Concentrate Firepower is not included either, as it procs neither on activation (which requires a target) nor on the High Yield Torpedo activations it grants.

This trait is available from:[ | ]

(Basic/Improved/Superior variant)

Notes[ | ]

Meet following requirements to obtain this trait, and replace it with better version.

  • Predictive Algorithms: Obtained after spending 15 Specialization Points into Intelligence Officer specialization
  • Improved Predictive Algorithms: Obtained after spending 30 Specialization Points into Intelligence Officer specialization
  • Superior Predictive Algorithms: Temporal Agent account-wide reward after spending 30 points in 3 primary specializations.

Although you can unlock the Superior trait before the standard and improved versions via the temporal recruit event rewards you will still need to invest the full 30 specialization points into the specialization first to use the superior version of the trait.
