Star Trek Online Wiki
Trait: Expedient Care

Expedient Care is a player character ground trait.

This trait is only available for player characters.

    Detailed information[ | ]

    Ground Trait: When using a Healing or Shield Regeneration ability on an ally (not self), that ally will gain additional benefits, and your Healing and Shield Regeneration abilities will recharge more quickly.

    • When using a Heal or Shield Heal on a non-self Ally:
      • To Healed Ally: +20% All Damage for 5 sec
      • To Healed Ally: +20 All Damage Resistance Rating for 5 sec
      • To Self: Reduces Healing and Shield Regen Kit and Captain Ability Cooldowns by 20%

    Obtaining[ | ]

    Trait: Expedient Care is obtained through the [Genetic Resequencer - Ground Trait: Expedient Care] pack, which is a random reward of the Kelvin Timeline Lock Box iconCommon icon [Kelvin Timeline Lock Box] and now it can be obtained from the [Infinity Prize Pack: Personal Trait (Ground)] (Infinity Lock Box). On the Exchange it can be found via the "Reward Packs" tab.
