Star Trek Online Wiki
Cryo Immobilizer Module

Cryo Immobilizer Module is a player character ground reputation trait.

Rank I

Available from Tier III with Nukara Strikeforce

  • 20% Chance to apply a damage over time effect that inflicts 5.9 Cold every 1 sec for 5 sec (50% Shield Penetration) and briefly immobilizes the target upon a critical hit.

Rank II

Available from Tier VI with Nukara Strikeforce

  • 20% Chance to apply a damage over time effect that inflicts 6.2 Cold every 1 sec for 5 sec (50% Shield Penetration) and briefly immobilizes the target upon a critical hit.
Trait: Cryo Immobilizer Module

Cryo Immobilizer Module is a player character ground reputation trait.

This trait is only available for player characters.

Basic information

  • Game description: You have a chance to inflict cold damage over time and immobilize your target when you deliver a critical hit in ground combat.
  • Available from: