Star Trek Online Wiki

Clean up[]

First: Do not use {{deptlink}}, {{slotspec}} or the other related templates in the info box. That is a big NO NO. Make it plain text.

Second: The 'higher' damage types have increased level requirements. It has nothing to do with 'unlocking' by playing a story mission of that faction. --Dukedom 10:03, 8 March 2012 (UTC)

Oh i apologize for this didn't knew that the usage of the template links are not allowed in infobox.I thought seeing this on some already posted assignments would simplify the searching if someone see this assignment on wiki and decides to buy the required doff by searching on the Eyes 'lists.
I guess the (new) player will have to search for a specific name to be bought from Exchange from the bottom of page - Requires section.(the fastest way to find a doff by specialization on Exchange is to know his name - from wiki)
About the 'unlocking the block' for instance Chroniton Torpedo Platform ... dev. by Breen (Orellius Block) showed up in my available list (Espionage Rank 1 - 13000/15000) only after i finished 1st mission in Orelliu Block , however the Undine variation of item already spawned without starting yet Undine episodes and im lvl 50 on FED char since a month , therefore i finished the note line with 'unconfirmed'.
Interesting is on my KDF char , lvl 48 (!!), that this char doesn't receive higher level variations of this item/assignment even if i visit the maps for this and log out char there often.In other words, why a (KDF) player almost lvl 50 which didn't completed missions(only tutorial plus few more) does not receive other variations only the Orion variation? (Espionage Rank 2 - 27000/50000) Unless the KDF are not allowed by default setting for higher variations or if it is some kind of "unlocking system" or pre-"mission accomplished" requirement ? And the last presumption would be logical if it is applied to 'stop' the player's alts to farm assignments only :) without a progress in game. Thank you. --Cris333 17:56, 8 March 2012 (UTC)