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Doffshot Ke Krenim Female 02 icon
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Assault Squad Officer — Ground
[GR] Ambush has a chance to re-apply when consumed by outgoing damage.
  • Faction: Faction Klingon Klingon Empire
  • Quality: Very Rare
  • Species: Krenim
  • Gender: Female
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Department: Doff dept Klingon Security Security
  • R&D School: School - Kits and Modules Icon R&D: Kits and Modules
  • Specialization: Assault Squad Officer
    When using Ambush, there is a small chance that a short duration Ambush effect will be automatically re-applied when outgoing damage causes the Ambush effect to end. This re-application can only ever happen once per Ambush use, and the re-applied Ambush is shorter duration than a standard Ambush.

    20% chance: Automatically refresh Ambush for 5 sec when expired by outgoing damage
  • Traits

