Star Trek Online Wiki
Fek'IhriSpectre of Cowardice
Spectre of Cowardice (new)
Critter Rank 4 icon

The Spectre of Cowardice is a Klingon spirit that inhabits Gre'thor. The Spectre of Cowardice represents fear and doubt. Cowardice clutches at those who would not face death with honor, and those who fled from battle.

Lore[ | ]

Dar'uhk the Coward! Once charged with defending Boreth, he fled from glorious battle with the Hur'q. His own men killed him for it and now he haunts Gre'thor for eternity.
I am the shadow of fear

I am the dark hand that clutches your heart and closes your throat before battle. I am the doubt that forces you to flee. I am the anguish of the damned who die in their beds.

I am Cowardice. Look upon me ... and tremble.

Missions involved[ | ]

  • KDF “Afterlife”: The player must defeat the spectres of Cowardice, Dishonor and Treachery to prove themselves worthy.
  • ALL “Doomed to Repeat”: The Spectre of Treachery, Dishonor or Cowardice is encountered while the player is investigating an ancient Dominion station in the Masan System.

Missions formerly involved[ | ]

Armament[ | ]

  • Sickle

Abilities[ | ]

  • Vicious Blast
  • Life Drain Heal
  • Devouring Fire
  • Vile Slash

Stats[ | ]

Level Standard Difficulty Advanced Difficulty Elite Difficulty
Shields Health Shields Health Shields Health
31 -1 9,177 - - - -

Gallery[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

See also[ | ]

External links[ | ]

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Fek'Ihri Horde
Faction Fek'Ihri
Details Fek'Ihri HordeFek'IhriGre'thor
Ground Forces Tortured Soul (ground) • Hordling • Enslaved Hordling • Ravager • Slave Master • Chieftain
Starships Tortured Soul (space) • S'Kul Fighter • Fer'Jai Frigate • K'Norr Escort • Kar'Fi Battle Carrier (Mob) • Drek'Hi Dreadnought
NPCs D'Jar • Fek'Ihri Horde Leader • Fek'lhr • Herron • Molor • Spectre of Cowardice • Spectre of Dishonor • Spectre of Treachery • V'Zmar
NPC starships Dragan • Fektour • Mn'ek • Penkrr • T'merek