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Energy Weapons Officer — Space
[SP] Chance to reduce the time to recharge when using cannon special attacks + [GR][SP] Increased damage vs. Elachi
  • Faction: Faction Klingon Klingon Empire
  • Quality: Very Rare
  • Species: Gorn
  • Gender: Male
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Department: Doff dept Klingon Tactical Tactical
  • Specialization: Energy Weapons Officer
    Chance to reduce the time for any cannon special attack to recharge after use.

    50% chance: Reduce remaining recharge time by 10 sec.

    Elachi Survivor: Increases all damage when in combat versus Elachi on both Space and Ground Maps. Stacks with other Elachi Warfare Duty Officers bonuses up to a max of 20%.

    +2% All Damage vs. Elachi
  • Traits

