Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Starfleet Corwin System Patrol
Cp 6 (36)
Story Arc:
Cardassian Front
167 Expertise icon

Mission Text[ | ]

This planet is home to a group of Cardassian and Federation colonists that are working on experimental agricultural projects. Their dream is to make deserts bloom, and one day, to transplant their work to Cardassia Prime.

Unfortunately, the True Way opposes Federation involvement in anything related to Cardassia, even something that could improve the lives of their people.

The True Way is attacking any ship approaching or leaving the colony.

Recommend that we clear the way so that supply shipments to the colony can resume. If we disable or destroy at least six of their squadrons, Starfleet can send a patrol vessel in to take care of the rest.

The colonists' work may someday feed millions. It is up to us to ensure that they can complete their research.

Objectives[ | ]

  • Eliminate True Way Squadrons (_/6)

Goal[ | ]

Eliminate the True Way threat.

NPC starships[ | ]

Notes[ | ]
