Star Trek Online Wiki

Overview[ | ]

Weapon System Efficiency icon (Federation)

Weapon System Efficiency is a Cruiser Command ability. It reduces weapon power drain by 25% for the cruiser and all nearby allies.

Basic Information[ | ]

  • Locale: Space
  • Game Description: The Weapon System Efficiency Command reduces power drain from weapons by 25% for the cruiser and nearby allies. This Command will reduce the significant drain from directed energy weapon fire. Ultimately, this will lead to higher sustained damage and quicker recovery from firing energy draining powers.

Detailed Information[ | ]

Ability Ranks[ | ]

At this time, Cruiser Commands are equivalent for all tiers of ships.

Ship Tier Ability Effects

PBAOE Weapon Power Cost Reduction

  • Affects Friend and Self (20 max)
    • -25% weapon power cost

Notes/References[ | ]

It is worth noting that this ability operates under the same mathematical rule that governs cooldown time reductions. Weapons power-usage is calculated using the following formula:

Power_Cost = Base_Power / (100% + 25%) or Power_Cost = Base_Power / 1.25

For a beam array, this would reduce the base power cost from 10 to a net cost of 8 points, instead of 7.5.

Images[ | ]

  • There are no images for this ability yet.
v · d · e
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See also: Starship Separation