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Drozana Station, 25th Century[ | ]

Back to the Past[ | ]

Go To Drozana Maintenance Levels[ | ]

You begin by descending into the Drozana Station maintenance levels again, and find youself next to the Devidian portal in the computer core, right where you left it at the end of “What Lies Beneath”.

Science Officer:

A properly-modulated energy discharge should allow us to use this portal to follow the Devidians back through time. Once we get there, though, it might be a bit trickier to get back.

We should bring as few people as possible, to minimize the chances of distorting the timeline.

A single blast with an energy weapon is sufficient to stabilize the portal and allow you to enter the 23rd Century.

Drozana Station, 23rd Century[ | ]

23rd Century Visitor[ | ]

Emerging from the portal, you will find yourself in a Drozana computer core that looks and sounds decidedly more Original Series.


Science Officer:
We're still in Drozana station, sir, just ... in the past!

We need to be very careful here, Captain. If we damage the station or injure anyone, we could damage the timeline irrevocably.

Even if Drake doesn't care about the Temporal Prime Directive, we should. We're still Starfleet officers, after all.


Science Officer:
We're still in Drozana station, sir, just ... in the past!

We must tread lightly, Captain. If we damage the station or cause needless bloodshed, we could damage the timeline irrevocably.

Cunning and stealth will be more important than strength here.

This sounds like a good time to set your weapons for Heavy Stun...


Science Officer:
We're still in the computer core, Captain.

Strange, I wonder why there's nobody here?

From what I remember about this time period, there should be someone here, even just a technician!


Science Officer:
We're still in the computer core, Captain.

Strange, I wonder why there's nobody here?

We may be too late, sir. The Devidians may have already killed everyone on the station.

Engineering Officer:

If we can find the right parts, we could cobble together a subspace field emitter, and perhaps get an idea of what the Devidians are doing here. But using 23rd century technology will make it much more difficult ... the Federation won't develop ways to detect the subspace variances that the Devidians use until almost a century from now!

I'll make a list of equipment here that we can use to fine-tune Drozana Station's sensor array.

We can probably find the regulator components somewhere near the computer core, and an induction coil on the power systems level.

Collect parts for a subspace phase modulator.

Time to start scavenging for parts. You'll find two of them on the computer core level, and then you'll need to take the maintenance lift up to the power distribution level. However, when you reach the door of the computer core and examine it, you will discover you have a more immediate problem...

Science Officer:

No wonder there's nobody here. The station is on medical alert -- non-essential personnel are confined to quarters, and the computer core is locked down.

Unfortunately, that lockdown works both ways -- no one can get in, but we can't get out, either.

Lucky for us that these old systems had some well-documented problems. It shouldn't be too difficult to override the controls.

Override the controls and unlock the computer core door.


Engineering Officer:
Sir, these old duotronic computers have a memory fault that makes them susceptible to overloads. An overload could cause it to lose processes ... like the one locking the door to the computer core.

In this century there shouldn't be any tasks that could overload them, but there's an infamous 24th-century warp geometry problem that would be insoluble with the processing power available to this computer.

If we set the consoles to divert processing to parts of this problem, we might be able to cause a memory overwrite that would make the computer "lose" its security lockdown.

Overload the computer core.


Engineering Officer:
Sir, these old Federation duotronic computers have a memory fault that makes them susceptible to overloads. An overload could cause it to lose processes ... like the one locking the door to the computer core.

In this century there shouldn't be any tasks that could overload them, but there's an infamous 24th-century warp geometry problem that would be insoluble with the processing power available to this computer.

If we set the consoles to divert processing to parts of this problem, we might be able to cause a memory overwrite that would make the computer "lose" its security lockdown.

Overload the computer core.

Override Interlocks on Computer Core Door[ | ]

Your engineering officer will have some advice on what to do.

Engineering Officer:

We need to overflow the memory banks.

Use the consoles to switch processes to different memory banks until all of them are working. The Main Memory Operations console should tell us which ones are currently queued (available) and which ones are working. When all of the memory banks are working, the system will overflow its available memory and the interlock on the doors should release.

Switch memory banks 1, 2, and 3 until all of them are working on problems and the computer overflows its available memory.

There are three consoles in the room that you can use to load-switch the computer banks.

  • One (Power Distribution console) located just to the left of the door will toggle Memory Bank 1 between working and queued
  • One (Field Integrity console) located on the raised gantry pretty much directly above this first console will swap the conditions of Memory Bank 1 and Memory Bank 3
  • One (Environmental Systems console) located on the opposte side of the computer core from the door will swap the conditions of Memory Bank 1 and Memory Bank 2

Since Memory Bank 1 is already working, it is a simple matter of swapping that out into one of the other Memory Banks and then putting Memory Bank 1 back to work using the console next to the door until you have got all three Memory Banks working. Once all the computer's memory is occupied with other problems, the door will unlock.

Engineering Officer:

That did it -- the door should open now.

Scavenge Components to Build a Subspace Field Emitter[ | ]

Now that you can exit the computer core, you can start working on that subspace field emitter. However, before you get far you are going to run into Lieutenant Meyers, who is patroling between the computer core and the first regulator room up the ramp from the core, and have to explain your presence.

Lieutenant Myers:

What are you doing down here?

This station is on medical alert! Nobody's supposed to be in the computer core area but me.

Hey! Is that a weapon?

Don't try anything, or I'll have to stun you!

You have a couple of options of what to say here, or you can let your phasers/disruptors do the talking. If you are Federation, you may use Diplomacy, which seems to convince him fairly quickly.

  • [Diplomacy](you need rank 3 to use these options here , or you will have to use lost , and later you will have to fight startfleet if you dont have rank 3 , diplomacy options will not be available.) I'm a consulting specialist looking for the source vector. I'm supposed to be down here.

Lieutenant Myers:

That's fine, then. I can give you directions.

Just head the rest of the way up the ramp, go through the upper connecting room and then take the maintenance lift up.

Your other conversational choice will require a little more effort to convince him.

  • Um ... I'm lost?

Lieutenant Myers:

The lift shouldn't even have let you come down to this level?

How did you get here?

  • I was stuck on the lift when the station went to alert.

Lieutenant Myers:

You should have used the intercom to call for assistance. It's not safe to move about the station during a medical alert!
  • Right. I should get back up to the main station areas.

Lieutenant Myers:

Follow me. I'm going to call security for an escort.
  • But if I'm contagious, won't that be dangerous?

Lieutenant Myers:

Hmm. I guess you're right.

Look, just go up to the maintenance lift and get to the emergency medical center as soon as possible and get checked out. There's a doctor up there who has set up a triage center for the affected patients.

As he heads away from you, Lieutenant Myers will make a random comment such as:

Lieutenant Myers:

I should probably put a security lock on the main access for this level ...

Lieutenant Myers:

I wonder when the station control systems will be decoupled from the main core?

Lieutenant Myers:

We really ought to put in some automatic defense systems.

Find a Duotronic Transducer Relay[ | ]

This component can be scavenged from a console in the first regulator room you'll encounter heading up the ramp, the same one where the field control station was located in the previous episode. Search the console to complete this objective.

Engineering Officer:

Found a Duotronic Transducer Relay!

If you head up the ramp further, you will be in danger of running into a patrol, as one of your bridge officers will warn you.


Science Officer:
Sir, I'm reading a patrol team ahead.

Since the station is on a medical alert, they're probably following a standard patrol pattern. We might be able to sneak past them or even lock them in one of the side rooms.


Science Officer:
Sir, I'm reading a patrol team ahead.

If we're crafty, we may be able to ambush them.

The patrol is basically walking between the top two regulator rooms on the ramp. They will enter one of the rooms, stand around staring for a while, and then head to the other. Time it correctly and you can run past them while they're standing in one of the rooms. Or, if you're feeling a bit mischevious, you can run up to the console next to the door of either room and lock them in.

You can also simply fight it out with them if you're feeling less sneaky, or are aiming for the Klingon accolade.

Find a Planck Regulator[ | ]

Once you reach the top of the ramp, you will enter another computer room and encounter the telltale blue flicker associated with Devidians.

Science Officer:

More triolic waves. There must be Devidians somewhere on the station in this time period.

In this room, you will find a science officer at work at a console. A console you need to get at to swipe some components for your subspace field emitter. You can chose to simply knock her out, or try to talk your way through.

Ensign Svoboda:

Oh, hey ... you shouldn't be here. You should get up to the quarantine area.
  • What are you working on?

Ensign Svoboda:

Oh, just running a level 3 diagnostic on this subsystem. The computers on this station are state of the art! I can simulate an entire copy of this station and display every piece of it as a wireframe model!
  • That's ... impressive.

Ensign Svoboda:

I know, isn't it? I'm very fortunate to be able to work here. Working on a station like this really strikes home just how modern and new everything is.
  • Isn't this subsystem tied into the main computer core?

Ensign Svoboda:

Yes, although it has its own memory and subprocessor as well. It can even work in parallel with the computer core's main processor!
  • What happens when you tie it into the main computer's memory?

Ensign Svoboda:

Here, I'll show you ...

That's odd, the core isn't responding to my request ...

I ... need to go talk to Lieutenant Myers. Make sure you get up to the quarantine area and get checked out by the doctor!

Ensign Svoboda rushes off to find Lieutenant Meyers, leaving you alone with the console.

Console Access Instructions:

WARNING! Improper access may cause injury and/or death.


Disable all power taps before servicing. Discharge static electricity before contact with leads. Unlock safety cage prior to access. Unclamp data lead to replace regulator.

To safely complete this objective, perform the following tasks in order:

  • Disconnect Power
  • Touch Static Discharge Plate
  • Unlock Safety Cage
  • Remove Computer Monitor
  • Take Planck Regulator

Reach the Maintenance Lift[ | ]

There is nothing more to do on the Computer Core level, and no one else to run into on your way to the maintenance lift. Head there and proceed up to the Power Distribution level.

Shenanigans[ | ]

Looks like your luck with getting to the right floor using Drozana's maintenance lift hasn't changed... you're stuck on the same maintenance level that Gein trapped you on in “What Lies Beneath”.

Science Officer:

This isn't the power distribution level ... sir, security's overridden the turbolift. They must've detected our arrival!

Station security will probably be here any minute now. If we're going to get out of this without a fight, we'd better look for alternatives quickly.

We'll have to find a console that we can use to override the turbolift so that we can keep going.

Override the turbolifts.

Escape or Overcome Starfleet Security (Optional)[ | ]

Unless you want to fight your way through all the Starfleet security on this level, you'll need to move fast before they come through the doors and catch you at the lift. Fortunately, there is a Jeffries Tube in the corridor wall just to the right of those doors. Head there and get crawling.

If you do want to fight your way through all the Starfleet security on this level (Klingon captains interested in the Aggressive Diplomacy accolade, for instance), just wait. The security team will open the door soon, and you can start knocking them out.

If you want to buy yourself a little more time to escape, there is a console to the left of the door. You can lock the door using an encryption key, which will slow down the security teams while you make your way through the Jeffries Tube.

You will emerge in another corridor, free of immediate pursuit, but you will have to make your way past another security team in the next room if you want to proceed.

Science Officer:

Another group of Starfleet officers ahead, sir.

If we're cautious, we might be able to avoid them while they aren't looking.

Use the command keys near your bridge officer portraits to direct their movement. Set them to Passive mode if you don't want them to attack.

The Starfleet security team spends most of their time clustered on the left side of the room, but every so often one of them will pace across the room before turning around and rejoining the others. There is a pile of crates next to a support pillar on the right side of the room that makes a good hiding spot for your bridge officers. Use the command keys to one at a time send them to that location, and then move them along to the hallway on the opposite side of the room.

Your bridge officers can crouch down behind those crates and remain hidden from Starfleet security when the one member walks across the room, but you apparently can't. So when you make your break for it, don't crouch down there and think you'll avoid notice. Just continue on to the second hallway and you'll be safely past.

Captains less concerned about stealth can just blast their way through.

Proceed on, and as soon as you enter the intersection with a cross hallway you will be confronted by another team of Starfleet security. If you are Starfleet, you should be able to talk your way out of it if you are diplomatic enough (Diplomacy Rank 3)...

Lieutenant Simien:

Hold it right there!
  • [Diplomacy] We're the other security team! The intruders ambushed us and took our uniforms!

Lieutenant Simien:

Then why are you dressed like that?
  • They left behind their clothes. We had to put on something! The intruders ambushed us near the Jeffries tube between the turbolift and the control room across the hallway.

Lieutenant Simien:

Go back to the maintenance lift. I'll take my team to check the Jeffries tube, and we'll box them in.

Klingons, and those not feeling diplomatic (or not diplomatic enough), will have a fight with Lieutenant Simien on their hands. It is possible to lure Simien's team away from the room and then run back to the console inside. Make sure your bridge officers are set to passive mode, then draw the team back to the turbolift. Once they're deep into the room, do not take the Jeffries tube; sprint all the way back and use the console ASAP. You can then run back to the lift and take it to the next area. Bridge officers who can heal you come highly recommended, since the security team is going to be firing at your back the whole time.

Unlock the Maintenance Turbolift[ | ]

Lieutenant Simien and her team run past you, back the way you came, leaving the room ahead of you open. Slip in and use the console to unlock the maintenance lift so you can proceed. Then, follow Lieutenant Simien's suggestion that you head for the maintenance lift, but take it up to the power distribution level instead.

Take Lift to the Power Distribution Level[ | ]

There is no one left to encounter on your way to the lift, so simply proceed there and take the lift to the power distribution level.

would be nice to know where the lift is located?

01/11/17 There are now unavoidable Starfleet officers blocking the path to the turbolift and they cannot be avoided. They attack as soon as you get within range, making the Accolade entirely impossible to complete for Federation characters. This is not always the case, so the accolade can be obtained for Fed characters.

Down to the Bones[ | ]

Engineering Officer:

Sir, we should be able to find an induction coil on this level as part of the power systems.

Then we simply need to rig the subspace inducer to the sensor array, and we can pinpoint the Devidians' incursion!

Now you need to find the last component for your subspace field emitter, but before you can get to that, you're going to have to get past a simple country doctor. Head up the ramp and through the door, and you will be confronted by none other than Doctor Leonard McCoy.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

You there!

Don't just stand there, come over here and give me a hand!

People are dropping like flies on this station, and it's all I can do to keep up.
  • Who are you?


Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:
McCoy, Leonard H. But this is no time for introductions!


Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:
McCoy, Leonard H. But this is no time for introductions!

I haven't seen anyone like you around here before, so maybe you're new. Lend a hand or get out of the way!

  • What's going on here?

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

Some kind of illness is affecting the people on this station. Blue flashes and ghost stories ... there has to be a reason for it, and we need to stop it.

People are dying here!

  • What do you need me to do?

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

As far as I can tell, all of these people reported seeing those strange blue flashes of light. Now they're all dying ... they're worse than dead! Their brains are gone!

Whatever this disease is, it's suppressing brain activity at an alarming rate. It's almost as if the energy between the neurons was being removed somehow!

The blue flashes seem to be associated with a strange form of radiation, so we've set up the triage center here. That crazy engineer said that the power distribution station is heavily shielded.
  • What kind of radiation?

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

How should I know? I'm a doctor, not an engineer!

The blue flashes are still happening, anyway. We need some way to replace that neural energy ... jump-start their brains somehow ...

What you say next depends on your character class:

  • [Engineering] Like cold-restarting a warp engine?
  • [Science] Like rebooting a computer?
  • [Tactical] Like reinforcing a drained shield generator?

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

I suppose that's one way of looking at it ... but the mind is a much more complex and delicate instrument. Maybe ... maybe that's the key! The brain might be able to restart itself, if stimulated correctly. Give it the energy it needs, and then a stimulus to make it spread throughout the nervous system.

I'll need to know how much neural energy the survivors have, so that we can figure out how much they've lost. Then we'll need to apply cortical stimulators at the correct frequency.

It's no panacea, but it may save the lives of the crew!}}


Science Officer:
Saving these lives is important to making sure that ... everything turns out the way it should.


Science Officer:
As much as it might help the Empire for this station to fall quickly into disarray, there is no telling how it might change future events.

It seems that we have little choice but to assist the humans, sir.

This time.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

Come on! Grab a tricorder and start checking the neural activity on some of these survivors. Take note of your readings, we're going to have to calculate the difference from a healthy mind and determine the right frequency to stimulate the brain.

A normal human neuron has a resting potential of -70 millivolts. Once you have some readings, we'll calibrate a cortical stimulator and try to revive some of these people.

Help Dr. McCoy Pioneer a Neural Rejuvenation Procedure[ | ]

Take your tricorder and start scanning.

Take Readings from Drained Lieutenant[ | ]

Scan Neuron Resting Potential:

Neuron resting potential reading -58 millivolts.

Normal human neuron resting potential -70 millivolts.

Scan Neural Sodium-Potassium Pump Levels:

Exterior potassium levels elevated. Neurons limited to +15mV active potential. Normal human active potential +30mV.

Scan for Anomalous Neural Activity:

Sodium and potassium ions depleted. Some neurons incapable of electrical response. Likely cause: sudden change in neural voltage.

Predicted results: Fatigue, blurred vision, dulled senses, loss of autonomic functions.

Take Readings from Drained Ensign[ | ]

Scan Neuron Resting Potential:

Neuron resting potential reading -60 millivolts.

Normal human neuron resting potential -70 millivolts.

Scan Neural Sodium-Potassium Pump Levels:

Interior neuron sodium ion levels elevated. Sodium-Potassium gates damaged.

Scan for Anomalous Neural Activity:

Sodium-Potassium gates damaged by forcible ion movement. Likely cause: sudden change in neural voltage.

Predicted results: Hallucinations, loss of motor function, nervous system damage.

Talk to Dr. McCoy and Calibrate a Cortical Stimulator[ | ]

Time to talk about your findings with Dr. McCoy.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

Ready to try some neurosurgery?
  • Review Findings

Review Findings:

  • Normal human neural resting potential: -70 mV.
  • Normal human neural activity: +30 mV.
  • Neural charge at rest: At-rest neuron contains positively-charged sodium ions exterior, and positively-charged potassium ions interior and exterior.
  • Action potential: Neuron opens sodium gates. Sodium transitions to interior. Neural charge switches from -70mV to +30mV.
  • Request Explanation

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

We need to restore the mind to its baseline state. Review your findings and set your cortical stimulator so that it will reset the brain back to normal.

Hopefully, with a little push from the cortical stimulator, the subject's brain will repair itself ... with some time and rest.

You must now calibrate a cortical stimulator based upon your research:

  • Set the voltage for the resting potential to -70mV
  • Set the voltage for the action potential to +30mV
  • Set the sodium-potassium channel states to sodium external, potassium external and internal.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

Let's try it!

Dr. McCoy tries the cortical stimulator on the drained ensign you scanned earlier.

Ensign Security:

I feel strange, but ... better.

Doctor McCoy:

It worked! We need to get this to the station commander. Come on!

Dr. McCoy runs off to tell the good news to the station commander. Follow him and you can watch as he treats her.

Station Commander Kendra Reaver:

Thank you, Doctor. Let me know when I can go back to active duty.

Doctor McCoy:

Well, Captain, looks like you're going to be all right.

Find an Induction Coil[ | ]

As you follow Dr. McCoy, you will pass an intersection, at which point one of your bridge officers will remind you that you still have some work of your own to do.

Science Officer:

Sir, this might be a good chance for us to find that induction coil.

Down the other corridor you will come to an alcove with some sort of generator or power coupling, from which you can scavenge the induction coil you need. You may have to hop up on the console to reach it.

Integrate the Subspace Field Emitter into the Station's Scanners[ | ]

You can access the station's scanners from a pannel in the same room that Dr. McCoy ran to and the station commander is located. Perform the modifications to pinpoint the source of all the triolic radiation.

Engineering Officer:

It's working, sir ... the emitter has adjusted the active scanners for the station.

What do you make of these readings?

Science Officer:

Imaging shows that the station is becoming suffused with triolic radiation. The radiation's coming from Driffen's comet!

The comet itself is emitting mass amounts of triolic energy. The Devidians must've realized that it's a natural source of the energy, and they're using it as an easy way to shift into synch with us. It's like riding behind the wake of a ship in the water.

But that's not all they're doing, sir. They're harnessing the triolic energy and infusing it with chroniton particles. With that, they could have enough energy to move the entire station out of phase! Maybe even the entire sector!

We have to stop them!

The comet is the key, sir.

But we can't do anything about the comet without a ship. And I don't think a 23rd century vessel is going to be able to do the job.

Science Officer:

With this information, it's clear that we have to find some way to destroy Driffen's comet, sir.

We can use one of the auxiliary reactors in synch with the subspace emitter that we've hooked up to the station in order to make a temporary portal that will take us back to our time.

Once we make it back, we'll have to report in and find a way to bring a ship back with us to destroy the comet!

Harmonize an auxiliary reactor to generate a temporal portal.

Use Triolic Energy to Form a Temporal Portal[ | ]

There is a small side room where you can use a console to harmonize the auxiliary reactor and form a temporal portal which will let you return to your own time. As soon as you do, however, you will be ambushed by Devidians. Once you fight them off, you have one more obstacle to overcome.

Science Officer:

We have another problem.

We've absorbed so much triolic radiation at this point that traveling through a gate again could cause radiation poisoning. Normally we'd just use hyronalin to flush it out, but ... our medical supplies aren't protected against phase-shifting. Our hyronalin supply is probably already irradiated. It isn't the sort of problem that comes up frequently.

We'll need large doses of hyronalin to chelate out the existing triolic radiation and protect us for the transition back through the portal.

There's one person who can probably get it for us ...

I wonder who that could be...?

Acquire a Chelation Dose of Hyronalin from Dr. McCoy[ | ]

Go back and talk to Dr. McCoy. He's a good man, and owes you a favor.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

Something else you need?
  • Actually, I have a ... friend ... who took a little too much triolic radiation, and could use some hyronalin.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

A "friend," eh?

With all the radiation flares that the station's experiencing, we're probably going to be a little short on hyronalin ourselves. I could maybe spare a hypo, but if your "friend" is getting radiation, he or she's on the station already.

  • I'll need a double dose to chelate out a significant amount of triolic radiation.

Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:

You should never lie to your doctor or your bartender. That much radiation would mean you've experienced something close to the epicenter -- like fooling around with triolic waves. You don't need green blood and pointy ears to know that THAT is a bad idea.

But when the people on this station really needed it, you came through. I appreciate that. I think I can spare a few doses. Just don't let the station's captain hear about it.

  • Thanks.


Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:
Look, I'm not sure who you are or where you came from, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'm just an old country doctor, but I know better than to ask too many questions about a little unexpected help.

You probably shouldn't loiter around here too much longer, or people will start to ask questions. I'm going to put these cortical stimulators to good use.

And thanks. You've saved a lot of lives today.


Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy:
Look, I'm not sure who you are or where you came from, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'm just an old country doctor, but I know better than to ask too many questions about a little unexpected help.

You probably shouldn't loiter around here too much longer, or people will start to ask questions. I'm going to put these cortical stimulators to good use.

And thanks. You've saved a lot of lives today.

Return to Your Own Time[ | ]

Science Officer:

We can take the portal back to our own time whenever you are ready, sir.

That's it, your work in the past is done. For now.

Donatu Sector, 25th Century[ | ]

Return to Your Own Time and Report[ | ]

Head back to the Donatu Sector and report in.


Franklin Drake:
So Driffen's Comet is the source of the triolic radiation. That explains a lot.

However, we cannot simply destroy it in our time. The Devidians have the means to go back to the 23rd century and harness its energy there. However, that will be their only other chance -- before that, there's no Drozana Station, so there's no place that will be close enough to the comet's trajectory to be of use to them.

The only logical solution is to alter the past. Destroy the comet there, and save the Federation.

As it happens, I have access to a way to transport your ship back to the 23rd century. It's risky, but I think the odds are in your favor. And if they aren't ... there's always time for another try.

I'll make the arrangements. Stay in touch.

Drake out.


So Driffen's Comet is the source of the triolic radiation. Interesting ... that explains a great deal.

However, we cannot simply destroy it in our time. The Devidians have the means to go back to the 23rd century and harness its energy there. However, that will be their only other chance -- before that, there's no Drozana Station, so there's no place that will be close enough to the comet's trajectory to be of use to them.

The only logical solution is to alter the past. Destroy the comet there, and save the Empire.

As it happens, I have access to a way to transport your ship back to the 23rd century. It's dangerous, but the alternative is much worse.

Check in for new orders regularly. I will let you know when we are ready for this operation.

Post-Completion[ | ]

After completing Everything Old is New, you will be able to ask a question of your mission contact regarding the events of the mission.


  • We should consider our options. We're dangerously close to breaking the Temporal Prime Directive.
Franklin Drake:
The original Starfleet Charter, Article 14, Section 31, states that extraordinary measures can be taken in times of extreme threat. Those extraordinary measures may include the suspension of the Prime Directive.

Let me restate the current situation for you. Creatures out of phase with our reality, that feed upon humanoid neural energies, are invading the Neutral Zone to consume and kill Starfleet officers and civilians.

These same creatures have the ability to use an astronomical phenomena commonly known as Driffen's Comet to pull an entire sector of space into their phase, dragging the thousands of inhabitants in it to their deaths and bending space in a manner that will have catastrophic effects across the entire quadrant, if not the entire galaxy.

In my opinion, that is an extreme threat.

The only way we have to stop the Devidians is to destroy the comet in the 23rd century. Yes, this will have effects on the timeline, but those effects are minor compared to the damage that will be done if the Devidians succeed in harnessing the comet's energies.

Do your best not to kill anyone who should be alive, don't make any purchases on the Ferengi stock market while you're there, and limit your ... personal interactions with the people of the 23rd century. Concentrate on the comet. Do your job.

I have ways of clearing up any minor ripples in the time stream. Trust me -- everything will play out as it should.


  • We should attack! We can strike a mighty blow against the Federation!
Tell me, are you an expert in temporal mechanics? Do you understand everything that could be altered by changing a single element in the timeline?

It is not so simple.

<Name>, not all in the Empire know what I will tell you now. You would be wise to keep this information to yourself.

Klingons were different in the 22nd century. An ill-advised attempt at using the Humans' Augmentation process changed the very face of the Empire. When the Augmented DNA interacted with a virus, it mutated, and the contagion swept through our people like fire in dry grass.

The disease smoothed our brows and put fear in our hearts. With few exceptions, the Klingons of that era were not warriors.

It was a time of great dishonor.

But we were saved. A chain of events begun in our time will ultimately play out a few decades after your visit to Drozana Station. Many Klingons die to make it so.

It takes the help of those who we call enemies, but the Empire will be -- was -- saved. The fire in our blood was rekindled. We became warriors again! We became Klingon again!

Strike a blow against the Federation in the past, and a Klingon woman may never meet a human man. A child may never be born. The kuva'magh will never appear. And the stain against our honor will never be washed clean.

Events must be allowed to continue as they should. Destroy the comet, but other than that, do not alter the timeline!
