Star Trek Online Wiki
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Jem'Hadar Space Set - Dominion Circuitry
Very Rare Inventory
Consumed On Use
Bind On Pickup
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

A very rare Mk XII version of the Jem'Hadar Space Set.
Once in your inventory, activate the item to claim your upgrade.
Value: 200 Lobi Crystal icon

Jem'Hadar Space Set - Dominion Circuitry icon
Veryrare icon

Jem'Hadar Space Set - Dominion Circuitry can be acquried from the Lobi Store for a price of 200 Lobi Crystal icon.

Within this device are encoded schematics for improving the interconnected circuitry of Dominion-based starship systems.

Purchasing this item will grant you a very rare Mk XII Jem'Hadar Space Set.

The Mk XI equipment required in order to execute this upgrade can be acquired by running the following missions from the Dominion Front while at Level 50: “Operation Gamma” and “Boldly They Rode”.

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