Star Trek Online Wiki
Make sure to also check our guide on Accolades.

Accolades in Star Trek Online are special accomplishments your Captain can achieve. Some can be unlocked by progressing through the normal storylines, or for exploration of the galaxy at large. Some accolades are retired as they require actions or areas that are no longer available.

On the pages below the accolades are grouped by their type and include both descriptions and relevant notes.

Accolade categories[ | ]

Power Accolades[ | ]

Whilst many accolades are purely cosmetic, below is a list of those that unlock certain powers for the completing character.

Icon Name Requirements Points Unlocks
Lieutenant Ability: Rank I Gain level 2 10 Personal space ability:
- Evasive Maneuvers
Lieutenant Ability: Rank II Gain level 4 10 Personal career-dependent ground ability:
- Target Optics (Tactical)
- Reroute Power to Shields (Engineering)
- Tricoder Scan (Science)
Lieutenant Ability: Rank III Gain level 7 10 Personal career-dependent space ability:
- Attack Pattern Alpha (Tactical)
- Rotate Shield Frequency (Engineering)
- Sensor Scan (Science)
Duty Officers Unlocked Gain level 11 50 Duty Officers
Lt. Commander Ability: Rank I Gain level 12 10 Personal space ability:
- Brace for Impact
Lt. Commander Ability: Rank II Gain level 14 10 Personal career-dependent ground ability:
- Fire on my Mark (Tactical)
- Cover Shield (Engineering)
- Neural Neutralizer (Science)
Research & Development Unlocked Gain level 15 50 Research & Development
Lt. Commander Ability: Rank III Gain level 17 10 Personal career-dependent space ability:
- Fire on my Mark (Tactical)
- EPS Power Transfer (Engineering)
- Subnucleonic Beam (Science)
Commander Ability: Rank I Gain level 22 10 Personal space ability:
- Ramming Speed
Commander Ability: Rank II Gain level 24 10 Personal career-dependent ground ability:
- Tactical Initiative (Tactical)
- Support Drone (Engineering)
- Dampening Field (Science)
Commander Ability: Rank III Gain level 27 10 Personal career-dependent space ability:
- Tactical Initiative (Tactical)
- Nadion Inversion (Engineering)
- Scattering Field (Science)
Captain Ability: Rank I Gain level 32 10 Personal space ability:
- Threatening Stance
Captain Ability: Rank II Gain level 34 10 Personal career-dependent ground ability:
- Security Escort (Tactical)
- Tactical Strike (Engineering)
- Nanoprobe Infestation (Science)
Captain Ability: Rank III Gain level 37 10 Personal career-dependent space ability:
- Go Down Fighting (Tactical)
- Miraculous Repairs (Engineering)
- Photonic Fleet (Science)
Admiral Ability: Rank I (FED)
General Ability: Rank I (KDF)
Gain level 42 10 Personal space ability: Fleet Support
Admiral Ability: Rank II (FED)
General Ability: Rank II (KDF)
Gain level 44 10 Personal career-dependent ground ability:
- Strike Team (Tactical)
- Engineering Proficiency (Engineering)
- Scientific Aptitude (Science)
Admiral Ability: Rank III (FED)
General Ability: Rank III (KDF)
Gain level 47 10 Personal career-dependent space ability:
- Tactical Fleet (Tactical)
- Engineering Fleet (Engineering)
- Scientific Fleet (Science)
Vice Admiral (FED)
Lieutenant General (KDF)
Gain level 50 20
  • New Trait slot
  • Personal sector space ability: Quantum Slipstream Drive
  • Reputation System
  • Specializations
Fleet Admiral (FED)
Dahar Master (KDF)
Gain level 60 30 New Trait slot
Consul icon Consul
(FED only)
Achieve the Diplomacy Rank of Consul 10 "Consul" title and personal ability: Transwarp to K-7
Envoy icon Envoy
(FED only)
Achieve the Diplomacy Rank of Envoy 10 "Envoy" title and personal abilities: Grant Diplomatic Immunity and Transwarp to Starbase 39-Sierra
Ambassador icon Federation Ambassador
(FED only)
Achieve the Diplomacy Rank of Federation Ambassador 10 "Federation Ambassador" title and personal ability: Transwarp to Deep Space 9
Privateer Commend icon Privateer
(KDF only)
Achieve the Marauding Rank of Privateer 10 "Privateer" title and personal ability: Transwarp to Romulan Space
Pirate Commend icon Pirate
(KDF only)
Achieve the Marauding Rank of Pirate 10 "Pirate" title and personal abilities: Assign Raiding Party and Transwarp to Regulus Sector Block
Marauder icon Marauder
(KDF only)
Achieve the Marauding Rank of Marauder 10 "Marauder" title and personal ability: Transwarp to Cardassian Space
New Romulus icon Romulan Republic
(Tier 1)
Complete the first tier of Reputation with the Romulan Republic 10 Personal ability: Transwarp to Azure Sector (Beta Quadrant)
Dyson Joint Command icon Dyson Joint Command
(Tier 1)
Complete the first tier of Reputation with the Dyson Joint Command 10 Personal ability: Transwarp to Alsuran Sector (Delta Quadrant)
Top Flight Triage icon Top Flight Triage Heal damage on any captain (30,000) 50 "Medic" title and Top Flight Triage power (+2% health points (Ground))
Dilithium Debugging icon Dilithium Debugging Heal damage on any ship (120,000) 50 "Engineer" title and Dilithium Debugging power (+2% health points (Space))
Anti-Structural Annihilation icon Anti-Structural Annihilation Deal Antiproton damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Annihilator" title and power (+2% Antiproton Damage strength (Ground))
Strike from the Record icon Strike from the Record Deal Antiproton damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Striker" title and power (+2% Antiproton Damage strength (Space))
Disruptor Demolisher icon Disruptor Demolisher Deal Disruptor damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Demolisher" title and power (+2% Disruptor Damage strength (Ground))
Hull Smasher icon Hull Smasher Deal Disruptor damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Disintegrator" title and power (+2% Disruptor Damage strength (Space))
Kinetic Killer icon Kinetic Killer Deal Kinetic damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Kinetic Killer" title and power (+2% Kinetic Damage strength (Ground))
Missile Commander icon Missile Commander Deal Torpedo damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Missile Commander" title and Missile Commander power (+2% Kinetic Damage strength (Space))
Pharaoh of Phasers icon Pharaoh of Phasers Deal Phaser damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Stunning" title and Stunning power (+2% Phaser Damage strength (Ground))
Pierced Veil icon Pierced Veil Deal Phaser damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Heavy Hitter" title and Heavy Hitter power (+2% Phaser Damage strength (Space))
Electro-Plasma Executioner icon Electro-Plasma Executioner Deal Plasma damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Executioner" title and power (+2% Plasma Damage strength (Ground))
Solar Flare Gun icon Solar Flare Gun Deal Plasma damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Gunner" title and power (+2% Plasma Damage strength (Space))
Shield Deteriorating Deformation icon Shield Deteriorating Deformation Deal Polaron damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Polaron Emitter" title and power (+2% Polaron Damage strength (Ground))
Frictive Force icon Frictive Force Deal Polaron damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Enforcer" title and power (+2% Polaron Damage strength (Space))
Invoker of Subspace Instability icon Invoker of Subspace Instability Deal Tetryon damage with your captain (300,000) 50 "Invoker" title and Invoker of Subspace Instability power (+2% Tetryon Damage strength (Ground))
De-Cloak and Dagger icon De-Cloak and Dagger Deal Tetryon damage with your ship (2,000,000) 50 "Decloaked" title and Decloak and Dagger power (+2% Tetryon Damage strength (Space))
Should have left Won by a player, (Beard of borg) in a bet with Ambassador Kael.
Beast Master icon Beast Master Defeat 1000 Beasts 50

"Beast Master" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Beasts (Ground))

Bluegill Exterminator icon Bluegill Exterminator Defeat 1000 Bluegills 10 "Bluegill Exterminator" power (+2% All Damage vs. Bluegill (Ground))
Assimilate This icon Assimilate This! Defeat Borg (1,000) 50 "Liberated" title and "Assimilate This!" power (+2% All Damage vs. Borg (Ground))
Nanoprobe Immunity icon Nanoprobe Immunity Destroy Borg ships (200) 50 "Immune" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Borg (Space))
Cold Hearted icon Cold Hearted Defeat Breen (1,000) 50 "Cold Hearted" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Breen (Ground))
Frozen Over icon Frozen Over Destroy Breen ships (200) 50 "Frozen Over" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Breen (Space))
Founder Foil icon Founder Foil Defeat Cardassian and Dominion (1,000) 50 "Dominion War Veteran" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Cardassians (Ground))
"Founder Foil" power (+2% All Damage vs. Dominion (Ground))
Alpha Quadrant Savior icon Alpha Quadrant Savior Destroy Cardassian and Dominion ships (200) 50 "Alpha Quadrant Savior" title and Alpha Quadrant Savior power (+2% All Damage vs. Cardassians (Space))
Neural Feast icon Neural Feast Defeat 1000 Devidians 50 "Neural Feast" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Devidians (Ground))
Spore Smasher icon Spore Smasher Defeat 1000 Elachi 50 "Spore Smasher" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Elachi (Ground))
Free Thinker icon Free Thinker Destroy 200 Elachi ships 50 "Free Thinker" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Elachi Portals (Space))
Scourge of Starfleet icon Scourge of Starfleet Defeat Federation (1,000) 50 "Scourge of Starfleet" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Federation (Ground)). Federation characters can accomplish this accolade by repeating War Games and Shutdown. This can also be accomplished by killing summoned Federation officers generated by Security Escort in PvP, or by chance in the Arena of Sompek TFO.
Order of the Bat'leth icon Order of the Bat'leth Destroy Federation ships (200) 50 "Order of the Bat'leth" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Federation (Space)). Federation characters can accomplish this accolade by destroying summoned Federation ships generated by Fleet Support and Photonic Fleet in PvP, or in "Kobayashi Maru".
Haunted icon Haunted Defeat Fek'Ihri (1,000) 50 "Haunted" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Fek'Ihri (Ground)). Federation characters can only accomplish this accolade through the mission "Doomed to Repeat" or Sompek Arena.
Wicked icon Wicked Destroy Fek'Ihri ships (200) 50 "Wicked" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Fek'Ihri (Space)). Federation characters can only accomplish this accolade through the mission "Doomed to Repeat" or 9th Rule patrol.
Cold-Blooded icon Cold Blooded Defeat Gorn (1,000) 50 "Cold Blooded" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Gorn (Ground))
Arena Champion icon Arena Champion Destroy Gorn ships (200) 50 "Arena Champion" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Gorn (Space))
Demon Bane icon Demon Bane Defeat 1000 Heralds 10 "Demon Bane" power (+2% All Damage vs. Herald (Ground))
Light Bringer icon Light Bringer Defeat 200 Herald ships 10 "Light Bringer" power (+2% All Damage vs. Herald (Space))
Hunter icon Hunter Defeat Hirogen (1,000) 50 "Hunter" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Hirogen (Ground))
Alpha of the Pack icon Alpha of the Pack Destroy Hirogen ships (200) 50 "Alpha of the Pack" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Hirogen (Space))
Reckoning of the Cycle icon Reckoning of the Cycle Defeat Hur'q (1000) 50 "Reckoning of the Cycle" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Hur'q (Ground))
Reaper of the Swarm icon Reaper of the Swarm Destroy Hur'q ships (200) 50 "Reaper of the Swarm" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Hur'q (Space))
Descendant of Kahless icon Descendant of Kahless Defeat Klingon (1,000) 50 "Descendant of Kahless" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Klingon (Ground))
Champion of the Empire icon Champion of the Empire Destroy Klingon ships (200) 50 "Champion of the Empire" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Klingon (Space))
Maintaining Order icon Maintaining Order Destroy 200 Klingon Empire Rebel ships 50 "Orderly" title and "Maintaining Order" power (+2% All Damage vs. Rebel (Space))
Time's Archer icon Time's Archer Destroy 200 Na'kuhl ships 10 "Blood Bank" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Na'kuhl (Space))
Brute icon Brute Defeat Nausicaan (1,000) 50 "Brute" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Nausicaan (Ground))
Mercenary icon Mercenary Destroy Nausicaan ships (200) 50 "Mercenary" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Nausicaan (Space))
Syndicate Boss icon Syndicate Boss Defeat Orion (1,000) 50 "Syndicate Boss" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Orion (Ground))
Hitman icon Hitman Destroy Orion ships (200) 50 "Hitman" title and Hitman power (+2% All Damage vs. Orion (Space))
Caste Mutiny icon Caste Mutiny Defeat Reman (1,000) 50 "Mutineer" title and "Caste Mutiny" power (+2% All Damage vs. Reman (Ground))
Xenophobe icon Xenophobe Destroy Reman ships (200) 50 "Xenophobe" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Reman (Space))
Praetor icon Praetor Defeat Romulan (1,000) 50 "Praetor" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Romulan (Ground))
Tal Shiar's Most Wanted icon Tal Shiar's Most Wanted Destroy Romulan ships (200) 50 "Tal Shiar's Most Wanted" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Romulan (Space))
Salt Vampire Slayer icon Salt Vampire Slayer Defeat 1000 Species M-113 Specimens 50 "Slayer" title and "Salt Vampire Slayer" power (+2% All Damage vs. Species M-113)
Evil Twin icon Evil Twin Defeat 1000 Terran Empire Officers 50 "Evil Twin" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Terran Empire (Ground))
Scourge of the Terran Empire icon Scourge of the Terran Empire Destroy 200 Terran Empire Ships 50 "Scourge of the Terran Empire" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Terran Empire (Space))
Shattered (Tholian) icon Shattered Defeat 1000 Tholians 50 "Shattered" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Tholians (Ground))
Spider's Bane icon Spider's Bane Defeat 200 Tholian Ships 50 "Spider's Bane" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Tholians (Space))
Reptilian Ravager icon Reptilian Ravager Defeat 1000 Tzenkethis 50 "Reptilian Ravager" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Tzenkethi (Ground))
Crusade Conqueror icon Crusade Conqueror Defeat 200 Tzenkethi Ships 50 "Crusade Conqueror" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Tzenkethi (Space))
Liquidator icon Liquidator Defeat 1000 Undine 50 "Liquidator" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Undine (Ground))
Planet Killer Killer icon Planet Killer Killer Destroy 200 Undine ships 50 "Planet Killer Killer" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Undine (Space))
Cobra Crusher icon Cobra Crusher Defeat Vaadwaur (1,000) 10 "Cobra Crusher" power (+2% All Damage vs. Vaadwaur (Ground))
Vaadwaur Vessel Vanquisher icon Vaadwaur Vessel Vanquisher Destroy Vaadwaur ships (200) 10 "Vaadwaur Vessel Vanquisher" power (+2% All Damage vs. Vaadwaur (Space))
Extinction Event icon Extinction Event Defeat 1000 Voth 50 "Iconoclast" title and "Extinction Event" power (+2% All Damage vs. Voth (Ground))
Heretical Doctrine icon Heretical Doctrine Destroy 200 Voth ships 50 "Heretic" title and power (+2% All Damage vs. Voth (Space))